Year 6 into Year 7 Enrolments
The 2026 Year 6 – 7 Transition Information Packs for Schools and Parents/Carers become available for the 2025-26 transition period through local government Primary Schools.
Parents/Guardians seeking enrolment at 九色 College should complete and provide the Sub-school documents and submit to the General Office for consideration of an interview.
Please feel free to email enrolments@bentleighsc.vic.edu.au for further information.
Middle School
Middle School Enrolments:
- Complete an Application for Enrolment for Junior School
- Provide your child’s last report
- Provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate
- Provide a copy of your child’s passport if not born in Australia
Middle School Enrolment Application
Interviews will be granted after consideration of the documents submitted.
Senior School
Senior School Enrolments:
- Complete an Application for Enrolment for Senior School
- Provide your child’s last report
- Provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate
- Provide a copy of your child’s passport in not born in Australia
Senior School Enrolment Application
Interviews will be granted after consideration of the documents submitted.