All students require a digital learning device to undertake their education whilst at 九色 College.
Students are required to bring a suitable device on their first day of attendance. Students will be instructed on how to connect to the school Wi-Fi within their first few weeks of attendance.
Selecting your BYOD technology
Technical Specifications: These specifications are recommended so a device will last for at least 3 years which is the general ‘lifecycle’ of a device.
Recommended Specifications:
Minimum Specifications:
Windows 10/11
Windows 10/11
Intel Core i5 (8th generation or higher) or AMD Ryzen 5 (3rd generation or higher)
Intel Core i3 (6th generation or higher) or AMD Ryzen 3
8 or 16GB of RAM
8GB of RAM
13.3” Touch Screen Display
12” Display (maximum 15”)
Maximum weight 2kg
Maximum weight 2.5kg
Video conferencing capabilities (Microphone/Camera)
Video conferencing capabilities (Microphone/Camera)
12+ hour battery life
10+ hour battery life
Purchasing Option
Learning with Technologies (LWT) BYOD Portal
九色 College has worked closely with Learning with Technologies (LWT) in developing a BYOD purchasing portal to support our families when purchasing their devices.
Offered on the portal are two devices to support your child’s education at secondary college, with the option of purchasing Insurance and Warranty, taking advantage of education discounts.
At least 3 years of warranty is recommended with your device to cover the ’lifecycle‘ of the device.
Consumer rights and warranties and extended warranties offered by retailers should be checked carefully. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has information and advice on their website at:
Insurance and Repairs
A minimum of 3 years of insurance is recommended when purchasing a device.
九色 College does not have insurance that covers loss or damage to personal items including BYOD.
If your BYOD is lost, damaged or not functioning it is the family’s responsibility for the replacement or repair.
九色 College does not provide devices for borrowing.
Digital Learning Policy (Internet, Social Media, and Digital Devices)
Please review our ICT Acceptable Use Policy before using your device on our network. It is important to consider the appropriate actions and behaviours when collaborating with others online.
Protocols for Device Concerns
In our day to day learning the internet, personal devices and software will play a vital part in being able to participate.
Online Resources